Mostly this is an FYI for anyone in our work queues:
There is a possibility of a slow-down in work flow in the near future...
We are caring for Karma's aging husky dog, who has been his companion for the last 13 (going on 14) years, through several moves and three surgeries. Our old fella Rush is requiring lots of attention lately, which really takes a great deal of our energy and attention. Since Karma isn't physically able to get down and sit on the floor with Rush, a lot of the coaxing him to eat falls to Zura.
We're mainly trying to make him as comfortable as we can, and let him know that we love him. He is under the care of two veterinarians right now, one of whom specializes in the care of aging dogs. We're cuddling him lots, and letting him stay with us in rooms of the house he normally isn't allowed in (due to food disputes with our other dogs).
Please pardon the lack of general updates, and rest assured that we are working as best we can, both on our commission queues and stock for Eurofurence.