Well, it's that time of year again!
Tomorrow morning (way too early >.< ), Karma and I will be beginning our annual trek to Eurofurence, currently being held in Magdeburg, Germany!
We will be running a Dealer's Den table again this year, with lots of handcrafted leather goodies, Karma's novel 'So close, yet so far...', and the first two parts of the collaborative trilogy graphic novel: 'Omega Alliance'. We will also have candy! We bribe with sugar! Om nom nom nom!
We'll be staying at the Maritim (thank goodness, I wouldn't want to lug all that stuff to and from the overflow hotel!), and will be arriving sometime Monday by car. Unfortunately we decided not to bring our little husky baby Hila with us, as she is still a bit uncomfortable in crowded places. Maybe next year!
Neither of us will be packing fursuits this year, as the hotel was FAR too hot last year to suit. Karma will be running around in his black leather kilt, so feel free to stop him and ask why he is wearing a skirt :p
We will be leaving Magdeburg on the 26th and returning home the 27th, if all goes to plan.
Phew... Now back to preparations!